- How to upgrade to Windows 10 for free | Laptop Mag

- How to upgrade to Windows 10 for free | Laptop Mag

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How to upgrade to Windows 10 for free.How to Upgrade to Windows 10 From Windows 7 for Free 



Upgrade Windows Home to Windows Pro - Microsoft never deactivated Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 validation in its media creation tool


In context: If you are still running on Windows 7 and I don't blame youyou are now officially out to pasture. However, if you don't mind treading on some gray areas of licensing agreements, you can still take advantage of Microsoft's free Window Upgrade offer even though it was technically taken off the table a few years ago. Microsoft officially ended support for Windows 7 on Tuesday.

The company will no longer push out security windowx, with the exception of enterprise customers paying for extended support until To avoid becoming vulnerable to future exploits and weaknesses, users are advised to upgrade to Windows There is a loophole, however, to get the upgrade for free.

ZDNet notes that if you go to the Windows 10 ISO download page and grab the media creation tool, you can run the can i upgrade from windows 7 home to windows 10 pro free, select вот ссылка this PC now," follow the prompts, and get a valid Windows 10 activation key. This works as prro as you have a legit Windows 7 or Windows 8. It even works uome Pro and Ultimate versions.

No matter what you do, be sure to make ссылка backup before starting and keep in mind that when upgrading from W7, it will wipe your settings and some apps. It's pugrade good idea to note the apps you use most often so you can re-download the W10 versions later in the event they don't transfer over.

Windows 8. In its push to get Windows 10 installed on "one billion" devices byMicrosoft employed several tactics from overly aggressive nag popups to downright deceptive window modifications. The silver lining was that at least the upgrade was free for Windows 7 and 8.

Microsoft officially ended its gratis offer in but continued it for Assistive Technology users through most of It appears that while Microsoft removed its official free download pages, it left the media creation tool ipgrade and never changed it to exclude Windows 7 or 8.

This may have some wondering if this is even legal or if Microsoft will invalidate their install down the road. This may indeed be something that slipped by Microsoft. In its FAQ, it states that to use the media creation tool, you will need a valid Windows 10 product key, but this is not true since valid W7 and 8. According 1 a Redditor who claims to be a Microsoft engineer, the company does not run license audits on free PCs.

It is more concerned with volume licensing. He adds that execs care more about upgrade stats than licensing revenue. At the time, Microsoft was aiming for a billion upgrades. As of last September, it was sitting trom million Windows 10 installs globally.

Of course, if taking the word wwindows a basically anonymous Reddit user is not enough to clear your conscience, perhaps you should go yo and pay for a copy of Windows Masthead credit: Anton Watman via Shutterstock. Load Comments Upgradd Comments: Recently commented stories Jump to forum нажмите чтобы прочитать больше. Add your comment to this article.

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Can Windows 7 Home Premium get Windows 10 update? - Microsoft Community - How the Free Upgrade Works


And here's what you can expect before upgrading from Windows 10 to Windows This story was recently updated. Here's how to get Windows 10 for free, if you're currently running a licensed and activated copy of Windows 7, Windows 8 or Windows 8. Go to the Download Windows 10 website. Under Create Windows 10 installation media , click Download tool now and Run. If you're upgrading a different machine, choose Create installation media for another PC , and save the installation files.

Microsoft is encouraging Windows 7 users to upgrade to Windows 10 now support for the former has ended. It should be noted that if you have a Windows 7 or 8 Home license, you can only update to Windows 10 Home, while Windows 7 or 8 Pro can only be updated to Windows 10 Pro. The upgrade is not available for Windows Enterprise. How to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 10 for free. Linkedin Reddit Pocket Flipboard Email. Part of The Verge Guide to Windows.

The Verge Guide to Windows. Show More. Sign up for the newsletter Verge Deals Subscribe to get the best Verge-approved tech deals of the week. Just one more thing! Please confirm your subscription to Verge Deals via the verification email we just sent you. In-place upgrade from Windows 7, Windows 8. Windows 10 LTSC did not block this in-place upgrade path. This issue was corrected in the Windows 10 LTSC release, which only allows data-only and clean install options.

Upgrade is supported using the in-place upgrade process using Windows setup. You will need to use the Product Key switch if you want to keep your apps. If you don't use the switch, the option Keep personal files and apps option is grayed out. The command line would be setup. For example, if using a KMS, the command line would be setup.

The free upgrade offer had just ended, and when I downloaded the Windows 10 upgrade tool and ran it on an old Windows 7 PC, I fully expected that the upgrade would fail activation and I'd be asked for a product key.

Over the next four-plus years, I repeated those steps on test PCs at regular intervals and confirmed that the free upgrade tool still works. I continue to receive email messages regularly from readers offering firsthand reports that their free upgrades were successful, with no purchase or product key required.

A small number of readers have reported that the upgrade fails because of a Setup error or a compatibility block. For details on how to troubleshoot these errors, see "This free Windows 10 upgrade offer still works.

Here's why - and how to get it. Whether you're looking for a tablet to stream videos or to replace your laptop, here are some compelling options. Before getting started, I recommend a few preliminary tasks that can head off potential problems:. With those preliminaries out of the way, go to the Download Windows 10 webpage and click the Download tool now button. After the download completes, double-click the executable file to run the Media Creation Tool. That option installs the most recent version of Windows It typically takes about an hour, depending on your hardware.

Having an SSD as your system drive is the best way to speed up the process. If you know you'll want to upgrade to Windows 10 on more than one PC, or if you just want more flexibility in the event that the instant upgrade fails, choose the second option and save the installation files to a USB drive or as an ISO file.

The download takes a little time but when it's complete, you can run the Windows Setup program manually to install Windows 10 on any PC running any supported Windows version sorry, this won't work with PCs running Windows Vista or Windows XP. The exact steps depend on which download option you chose:.

Then just follow the prompts to complete the upgrade to Windows All your apps and data files will be available.



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